Anomaly Misson day

Graz goes LINZ Anomalie 2018

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Samstag 25.8 LINZ Anomalie 2018

Sonntag 26.8 LINZ Mission Day 2018,14.327468&z=12


3666km Link Brasilien nach Liberia

2018-08-16 What todo if you have 1 key from africa and you are on holiday in brasil? In austria it is quite hard to make long links. So my longest until that date was just 154km. But yesterday i had the chance to create a 3666 km link. But the portal needs to be upgraded with the help of to local agents. I got great support from lohmota and another unnamed agent. The result: See pictures Portoguese: Loh Motta ??: Links 3 em 2 #TouchingMalta#VaralInternacional 3 continentes, 2 links. Confira o link que atravessa os mares feito pelos agentes @isagalaxy2 e @lohmotta. Esse link corta o oceano, chega na África, onde outro link corta a África terminando em Malta. Ingress, iluminando e unindo continentes. Deutsch: Ein Key aus Afrika und ein Urlaub in Brasilien = Gelegenheit für einen 3666km Link in Ingress. Mit der Hilfe von @lohmotta und einen ungenannten Agent gelang das Vorhaben. Danke an alle die geholfen haben. #ingress